D.A.H (dumb ass hoes)
EDIT--And another thing....when did H&M get soo flyyy..I mean I love their clothes, but they fell off for a minute...omg omg I nearly peeed in my pants when I witnessed the leather bomber jackets..or the perfect organic cotton blend sweaters..that would be paired perfectly with a set of their off-silver pearls *and the angels sang* ps....guys who work at H&M ARE HOTT!!!!!!!!! yum yum...sorry back to the program.
oK so Im trying this new thing where I dont curse......"A LOT" and its hard as hell. Its funny when you reach a certain point in your life...a certain state of mind I mean. Where you can't tolerate the bullshit no more (oops there I go again). Fck it...Im fed up, I will never ever take another "duck" under my wing. And by that I mean, "Toe up ..non-matching..no confidence..wannabe cool..dollar menu..color blind.swagger jackin..ass hoe!" I wish people would realize that its much much easier to be themselves versus someone else. I peeped that waay back in high school, Yesss Im beyond fabulous, I have the gift of gab, my talents surpass the norm...but YOU are equally as gifted in your own way..I mean isn't everybody (ok well maybe not equally as...). I invite you places...tryna upgrade and show you a good time and you basically spit in my face...must not know...My middle name is "PEACE". If I write you off....Its like you never existed...and....another one bites the dust!!! <-------sticks tongue out..see pic .
Saturday night I went to this king magazine party..not really my scene..I don't do the shoot em up style clubs. Hole in the wall joints never really were my thing. Since my so-called friend wanted to go..I made it work. Luckily i had my "real" friends there to keep me sane. I'm sooo tired of the club scene. I became a home body, cus the whole night I was wondering what was on t.v and not really paying anybody up in there any mind at all. Then we went somewhere else..seen some cuties ..but I just really wasn't interested at all..I couldn't wait to get the hell home. I'm swearing off men for at least 6 months...My ex text me all liquored up ..talkin bout "you need to come down here, you know Im a freak when I drink" Umm..homie u need to step OFF...on sum real! Then the mothafcka says "You can take my car to work"...yess yess very tempting but...NO! Im standing my ground..absolutely nooo MEN , Theres some things I gotta do..I gotta figure ME out ..buy furniture..finish my book, start my songwriting again , save and invest, and wont none of that be gettin done if I dont have my focus. I can no longer be bought with burger king fries, a bottle of parrot bay rum and caviar dreams "hmf"..I can't lie though Im thinkin I need to delete every males number out my phone...temptation is a BITCH..and pleaaase dont be FINE ...cus your number in my phone mixed with 2am desperation and club sweat equals a deadly concoction.
I dont care what nobody says..Karrine steffans aka SUPERHEAD..should be officially crowned the NEW american idol. I mean come on..this woman done slept with everyyyyy mofo in the industry...Im sure she has created numerous unheard of STDS all by herself..But no seriously I really respect her and somewhat admire her hustle (not the whole crack whore hustle) but the fact that she turned that into something more..this woman is now an author in her own right...WTF?? and if you visit her site (www.karrine.com) you'll see shes very intelligent. Not to mention her hair is flyy ...I dunno there's just something very "gutter-fabulous" about her....hate it or love it. Meanwhile after a night of clubbin (i haate that word)...Im stuck at work, last nights makeup..headache and a non-matching attire....IT IS WHAT IT IS
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