Tuesday, December 25, 2007

new year

Is it weird that Im extremely excited for the new year? I mean the only thing that really changes are the numbers..but in my mind I like to think everything changes..new year...new me!! I always make a million resolutions and try my best to stick to them, most of the time I do for the next month..and thats it lol. So my resolution this year, like last year...is to just be happy no matter what. Let go of everything negative, all my doubts and fears...let go and just DO IT!...I have to say though "07" has been good to me, I cant say that I accomplished everything I wanted to, but I tried my best to remain in good spirits and I've met and bonded with sooo many great amazing people...Im gonna make this short and sweet but i'll be back in "08"
HAPPY HOLIDAYS (even though Im not big on xmas)