I wonder what it would be like to chop off allll my hair and live in the woods?? hmm just a thought. What do you do when your j.o.b literally makes you sick to your stomach and the thought of going to the office bring tears to your eyes **literally**. Never in my young life have I had a job like that until now and I've had a million jobs in my day. Do you stick it out miserably or do you take a chance and leave? I feel stuck and in a sick twisted way I wanna get fired..atleast then I have no more self-doubt Im forced to take my wings back and flyy. I feel restricted and all the red tape corporate bull sh*t makes me wanna gag a million times over. When you know that your a damn good worker but your only acknowledged for the few mistakes you make its heart wrenching. Im gonna contintue to seek guidance because Im at a loss and have absolutely no clue what to do next. I wiiish I had a rich family and didnt have to work...EVER! lol that would be the LIFE right there...
To leave or NOT to leave...I'll keep you posted
give thanks....NOT!

rihanna do any wrong?? I mean seriously..she is undeniably beautiful! She comes off as a bitch but still gorgeous and in the next life....Please let me come back as her
Im not understanding why everyone is
sooo HYPE over thanksgiving? I mean
sheesh who
would've known all it takes to get
ppl in a good mood is dry ass turkey with some gravy. It really makes me no
never mind, If I had it my way I would
sleeeeep the entire thanksgiving away..Holidays
dont thrill me much and its gonna take a lot more than stuffing to win me over.
Im still dealing with the everyday negativity. I will never understand why people feel the need to input their unsolicited negative comments, but I am learning to make everyday count no matter how hard the rain pours.
I'm learning that people will always talk, its human nature , it
doesn't make what they're saying right...or true. Though sometimes I wish there was a bright pink bubble with gold insulation that I could hide out in every once in a while. A lot of people
dont understand that negativity only fuels my fire. To those who give a shit about thanksgiving and giving thanks..u know
allll that hoopla....have a great holiday
lmao...now black
friday is what we should really be celebrating